Matt Kemnitz is Chief Mission Officer for Catholic Community Health, the umbrella organization encompassing the missions of Catholic Home Care, Catholic Hospice, and Villa St. Francis.
Now in his first year with #CCH, Matt is working to strengthen the Catholicity of the mission and of staff formation — including the education of staff about Catholic Healthcare Ethics, especially end-of-life moral principles — and to raise funds in support of our mission.
An honors graduate of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, Matt majored in Communications. Kemnitz has accumulated twenty-three years’ experience working for the Catholic Church in several apostolates. In addition to his time with CCH, he has served ten years in ministry and ten years in development with multiple Catholic entities including FOCUS Catholic, St. Benedict's Abbey (Kansas Monks) and the Holy Family School of Faith. In addition, he served two years with St. Jude Hospice as the Vice President of Mission and Ethics, where he helped expand the Catholic Hospice into six states and nine dioceses, and directed the company’s Catholic identity, spirituality, ethics, and mission education.
Kemnitz has done graduate work in Theology and Ministry through the Maryvale Institute International Catholic College in Birmingham, England, and in Catholic Bioethics through Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He has also completed a Certification in Catholic Health Care Ethics through The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, PA.
Matt and Olivia, his wife of nineteen years, have nine children. The Kemnitz family currently resides in Atchison, KS.